Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule an appointment with the Pastor?
How do I request that a Mass be said for someone?
There are two ways. One way is for you to stop by the parish office during our normal business hours and fill out a Mass intention envelope. The other way is fill out a Mass intention envelope, located in the foyers of the church by the bulletins, enclose the suggested 10 dollar donation, and either place the envelope in the collection basket at Mass or drop it through the mail slot in the parish office door. Please include your phone number on the envelope.
Who do I contact about Baptism?
Mary Smith, the D.R.E., at
Why would a person not be approved to serve as a Sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation?
Usually because they do not satisfy one or more of the requirements as described in the Certification of Sponsor Eligibility Form

Certification of Sponsor Eligibility

or because they are not an active member of Nativity or another Catholic parish

How to be an active parishioner

These requirements are based on the Canon Law of the Catholic Church.

Who do I contact about seeking an annulment?
 Contact the Pastor at
How do I sign up for online giving?